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Interview Tips

Interview Preparation

The following tips and ideas are to prepare you for your interview and ensure you get the job. Please take time to read through them and make notes prior to your interview.

Interview Check List

Relax – this is a checklist to make sure you stay focused before, during and after the interview.

Creating a cheat sheet will help you feel more prepared and confident. You shouldn’t memorize what’s on the sheet or check it off during the interview. You should use your cheat sheet to remind you of key facts . Here are some suggestions for what you should include on it.

In the Days before the Interview

Task Achieved

Draw a line down the centre of a piece of paper. On the left side, make a bulleted list of what the employer is looking for based on the job specification. On the right hand> side, make a bulleted list of the qualities you possess that fit those requirements

Research the company, the industry and the competition

  • Check out our website for more in-depth information including recent press releases, brochures or annual reports.
  • Gather as much useful information as possible. You’ll impress the interviewer if you’ve gone to the trouble of finding out about the company.

Prepare your personal statement: Your answer to the , “Tell me about yourself,” question

  • Read your CV and be prepared to talk about your previous roles in detail.
  • Make sure you can account for any gaps on your CV and that you can give positive reasons for leaving previous roles.
  • Consider what you can bring to the company and the role, based on the skills outlined on your CV.

Write down at least five success stories to answer behavioural interview questions (“Tell me about a time when … ” or “Give me an example of a time …”)

List 5 killer questions to ask the interviewer about the job, the company and the industry

  • How does the department fit in with the rest of the company?
  • What is the culture of the company?
  • How long was the last person in this role?
  • Is there an induction or training programme?
  • Why is …. a good company to work for?

Interview Day

Task Achieved

Do you look professional? Check yourself in the mirror; part of your confidence will YIN
come from looking your best.

Carry these items to the interview:

  • Several copies of your CV on quality paper
  • A copy of your references
  • A pad of paper on which to take notes
  • Directions to the interview site

The Essential Guide

Do Your Research

Virtually all jobs involve a face-to-face interview, so do your homework about your potential new employer beforehand! Try to anticipate likely questions – and look at the company’s website to find out all you can about them . This will give you an edge in understanding and addressing the company’s needs. The more you know about the company and what it stands for, the better chance you have of selling yourself. You also should try to find out about the company’s culture to gain an insight into your potential happiness in the role.

Body Language (Look Sharp)

Seems obvious but this is essential as first impressions are vitally important, especially your appearance. A couple of days before the interview select your outfit. Depending on the industry and position, your smartest suit is usually the best option. Even if the company operates a casual policy, at this stage, it is important that you are looking your very best. Above all, dress with confidence. If you feel good, others will respond to you accordingly. Be confident and shake hands firmly when you meet people and when you leave. Smile! This shows you are enthusiastic and friendly. Try to stay calm and remain confident and alert. Maintain an open stance, and avoid fidgeting or folding your arms.

Be on Time

Never arrive late to an interview. Allow extra time to arrive early in the vicinity of the building, allowing for factors like getting lost. Arrive 15 minutes early so you can relax, check your appearance and read any notes you may have. Check through corporate literature on display, and even chat to the receptionist – both can be vital sources of company information. Remember, nobody ever made a negative impression by arriving early – but you may ruin your chances if you are late.

Be Prepared

Bring along a folder containing extra copies of your CV, a copy of your references and paper to take notes (optional). You should also have questions prepared to ask at the end of the interview.

Show Enthusiasm and be positive

A firm handshake and plenty of eye contact demonstrates confidence. Speak distinctly in a confident voice, even though you may feel nervous. Always be positive, and wherever possible, give positive responses to questions asked, beyond a simple “yes” or “no”.

Listen and answer the Question Asked

One of the most neglected interviewing skills is listening. Make sure you are not only listening, but also, reading between the lines and make sure you answer the right question accordingly. Remember don’t be afraid if you don’t understand a question , ask the interviewer to repeat or clarify it.

Give Specific Examples

One specific example of your background is much more valuable than a number of vague stories. Prepare your responses before the interview. Give examples that highlight your successes and uniqueness. Your past behaviour can indicate your future performance.

Ask Questions

Many interviewees don’t ask questions and miss the opportunity to find out valuable information. Your questions indicate your level of interest in the company or role.


It is imperative that you don’t leave the interview room with any nagging doubts from either side. Ask the final question “have I given you any reason today why you don’t think I would be a suitable candidate for this role?” – if the interviewer has any doubts, by asking this final question, you can counteract and reassure him/her that you are the best candidate for the job. Finally ask the interviewer about what happens next and when a decision will be made and remember to thank the interviewer for their time.

Most Common “Standard” Interview Questions

1. Tell me about yourself

The most common first interview question and the quality of response can speak volumes about a candidate’s suitability for a role. If you cannot speak confidently about a subject, you are an expert upon (you!), then it will be very difficult to persuade an interviewer that you are skilled within your chosen field of work. Prepare, be confident and relax. Rehears a short speech on yourself, focus on your personal and work attributes (Le. I’m a person who thrives in a team environment OR I playa number of team sports which demonstrates my competitive nature.)

2. What is your current situation? (I.e. Why Did You Leave (Are You Leaving) Your Job?)

The key here is being positive. If you’re unemployed, state your reason for leaving in a positive
context: “I managed to survive two rounds of corporate downsizing, but the third round was a 20
percent reduction in the workforce , which included me.”

If you are employed, don’t dwell on the downside of your current situation; focus on what you want in your next job: “After two years, I made the decision to look for a company that is team-focused, where I can add my experience.” Never give a negative answer to this question – it may make the interviewer question your future loyalty.

3. Why Do You Want to Work Here?

The interviewer is listening for an answer that indicates you’ve given this some thought and are not sending out resumes just because there is an opening. Researching the company and industry before your interview will ensure you stand out as an informed and well-prepared applicant. Many companies will discount any candidate that hasn’t taken the time to find out a bit more about the organisation you may come across as disinterested in the role if you are not eager to discover more about them.

The best answers to this question are backed up by facts – for example “I read on your website that you have recently signed a contract with (partner) and I feel this will offer great scope and the chance to grow with the company”.

It would also be beneficial to think of at least two reasons this job is a good match for your skills, strengths, experience and background. What you can bring to the company? What do you offer that others applicants do not? Write down your thoughts and rehearse them as part of your script.

4) Why Should We Hire You? (Strengths)

What makes you unique? This will take an assessment of your experiences, skills and traits. Summarize concisely: “I have a unique combination of stong technical skills, and the ability to build strong customer relationships gained from 5 years’ experience in…. This allows me to use my knowledge and break down information to be more user-friendly.”

5. What Are Your Weaknesses?

This is the most dreaded interview question of all. Handle it by minimizing your weakness and emphasizing your strengths. Always counteract a negative with a positive and only concentrate on professional traits: “I am always working on improving my presentation skills. As a member of the PMI I am often required to give speeches at my chapter, which I find very helpful in refining these skills.”

6. What Are Your Goals?

Sometimes it’s best to talk about short-term and intermediate goals rather than committing yourself in the distant future. For example, “My immediate goal is to get a job in a growth-oriented company. My long-term goal will depend on where the company goes. I hope to eventually grow into a position of responsibility. “

Example Competency Based Interview Questions


  • Give an example of an occasion where you feel you went ‘above and beyond ‘ in your role?
  • Describe a time when you altered your work priorities to fit in with another employees’ needs.
  • Tell me about a time when you had to change your point of view or your plans to take into account new information or changing priorities.

Client Focus

  • Give an example of how you provided a service to a client/stakeholder beyond their expectations’. How did you identify the need? How did you respond?
  • Tell me about a time when you had to deal with a client/stakeholder service issue. How did you resolve the situation?
  • Describe a situation in which you acted as an advocate within your organisation for your stakeholder’s needs where there was some resistance to overcome.


  • Give an example of a difficult or sensitive situation that required extensive communication.
  • Tell me about a time when you really had to pay attention to what someone else was saying, actively seeking to understand their message.
  • Describe a recent situation in which the strength of your communication skills resolved an issue.

Organisational Awareness

  • Describe the culture of your organisation and give an example of how you work within this culture to achieve a goal.
  • Describe the things you consider and the steps you take in assessing the viability of a new idea or initiative.
  • Tell me about a time when you used your knowledge of you organisation to achieve a unique goal.

Problem Solving and Judgment

  • Tell me about a time when you had to identify the underlying causes to a problem.
  • Describe a time when you had to analyse a problem and generate a solution.
  • Tell me about a situation where you had to solve a problem or make a decision that required careful thought. What did you do?

Results Orientation

  • Tell me about a time when you set and achieved a specific goal.
  • Tell me about a time when you improved the way things were typically done in your organisation.
  • Describe something you have done to improve your own personal work performance.


  • Tell me about a time when you worked successfully as a member of a team.
  • Describe a situation where you were successful in getting people to work together effectively.
  • Describe a situation in which you were a member (not a leader) of a team , and a conflict arose within the team. What did you do?
  • Role Specific Competencies

Developing Others

  • Tell me about a time when you coached someone to help them improve their skills or job performance. What did you do?
  • Describe a time when you provided feedback to someone about his or her performance. How did you handle the situation?
  • Give me an example of a time when you recognized that a member of your team had a performance difficulty/deficiency. What did you do?

Impact and Influence

  • Describe a recent situation in which you convinced an individual or a group to take on board your ideas.
  • Describe a time when you went through a series of steps to influence an individual or a group on an important issue.
  • Describe a situation in which you needed to influence different stakeholders with differing perspectives.


  • Describe something you have done that was new and different for your organisation that improved performance and/or productivity.
  • Tell me about a time when you identified a new, unusual or different approach for addressing a problem or task.
  • Tell me about a recent problem in which previously used solutions wouldn’t work . How did you solve the problem?

Relationship Building

  • Describe a situation in which you developed an effective win/win relationship with a stakeholder or client. How did you go about building the relationship?
  • Tell me about a time when you relied on a contact in your network to help you with a work-related task or problem.
  • Give me an example of a time when you deliberately attempted to build rapport with a co-worker or customer.


  • Describe the level of stress in your job and what you do to manage it.
  • Describe a time when you were in a high-pressure situation. How did you ensure you performed to the best of your ability?
  • Describe a time when things didn’t turn out as you had planned and you had to analyse the situation to address the issue. What did you learn?

Strategic Thinking

  • Describe a challenge or opportunity you identified based on your industry knowledge, and how you developed a strategy to respond to it.
  • Describe a time you created a strategy to achieve a longer-term business objective.
  • Describe a time when you used your business knowledge to understand a specific situation.

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